Sunday, October 19, 2008

WTF McBush?

And McCain challenged Wallace’s assertion that Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin had become “a drag” on the GOP ticket.
“As a cold political calculation, I could not be more pleased,” McCain said, calling Palin “a direct counterpoint to the liberal feminist agenda for America” and asserting “she’s the best thing that could have happened to my campaign and to America.”

So what does that mean for Liberal Feminine Women????

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Another Post for Obscurity

So blah, feeling my age, actually probably older. Sinus headache.
Due for a physical. Need those blobs near my eye checked, are they age spots or something bad?
Need to get serious about exercise. Already started eating right, but that's only half the equation. I know that. Have to make time for myself.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Clean Up Time

Fall Clean Up, Company Clean Up, Organize Clean Up....and apparently with shower and holiday gifts it's Wallet Clean Out Time too.

On the plus side, finding stuff that has been missing and finishing up incomplete projects.

Oh, and Mommy is in transit with my birthday present

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Thanks to my work, someone's getting canned

Wow. I had no idea my work would be used for something like this. I truly thought the report was for a marketing demographic, not justification to lay off people.
I'm really sad about this. I understand it was a money drain, this person's caseload.
I told my boss I felt like the executioner in "A Tale of Two Cities"...he said no, I just sharpened the axe. Dark humor in the office today.